Retro Ridoctopus

S1E24 - Ep 024: Retro-bution / Captain Power On

Despite being aimed at kids, Captain Power and The Soldiers of the Future was a suprisingly dark show!

An underappreciated 80s gem, Captain Power and The Soldiers of the Future was definitely ahead of its time. Written by J. Michael Straczynski, this surprisingly dark, post apocalyptic series was aimed at both kids and adults but struggled to find an audience. We discuss the show, the VHS tapes and the brilliant line of interactive toys!

Later, for the last "Octoponder THIS" of the season, we ask for your favorite short lived TV show. And to close out the episode, Boss Rush Mode lets us know how he really feels about certain types of band logos in another edition of Petting Those Peeves!

Retro Ridoctopus
• Boss Rush Mode (watch)
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile.
Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

S1E23 - Ep 023: The Dark Crystal / A Really Great Conjunction

Discussing Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal, we cover the film and the wonderful revival series, Age of Resistance!

On this episode of the Retro Ridoctopus Cephalopodcast, 8-Bit Alchemy drops a great, garthim-sized conjunction on your heads as we explore the sprawling worlds of Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal! Our discussion covers the original film, the Age of Resistance series and beyond!

Special appearances by our roving reporter, Dr. Maddio, as well as our buddy Justin Cooper of Amalga-Mania and the Fan-Tastic Podcast!

A bit later... we'll ask you to choose a one-off movie that deserves receive a sequel series this week's "Octoponder THIS". And to close out the episode, Parasite Steve drops DIE MONSTER to spotlight an annoying video game baddie that could TOTALLY have lived in the world of Thra!

#BlitzkrakBallzkrieg #SpituniaFairyoftheCigarBar

Retro Ridoctopus
• Boss Rush Mode (watch)
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile.
Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

The show that celebrates all the things that made growing up awesome is part of the Inebri-Art Podcast Network! For information on our sister shows, pleaseclick here!

S1E22 - Ep 022: Digging Up The Crow (with Derek Rook)

We welcome guest, Derek Rook from Rough House Publishing for a heartfelt discussion on the comics and original film of James O'Barr's classic tale of love, loss and revenge, The Crow.

On this episode of the Retro Ridoctopus Cephalopodcast, Parasite Steve welcomes his partner in crime, Derek Rook of Rough House Publishing! Continuing on with our October theme, the ROUGH MASTER GENERAL chats about a book that helped shape his career... that poetic masterpiece of tragedy and of young love lost, "The Crow". Over the course of our longest episode yet, we dig up some inside baseball regarding the original comic before segueing into the Brandon Lee film.

And since it can't rain all the time...

Later, we'll ask you to name a film that is too precious to you to ever be remade, for this week's "Octoponder THIS". And to close out the episode, Nintenjoe highlights his segment's first soundtrack in another awesome "Power To The Metal"!

Retro Ridoctopus
• Boss Rush Mode (watch)
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile.
Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

The show that celebrates all the things that made growing up awesome is part of the Inebri-Art Podcast Network! For information on our sister shows, pleaseclick here!

S1E21 - Ep 021: Resident Evil: Itchy. Tasty.

We dissect the progenitor of survival horror, Capcom's Resident Evil.

This week, host Boss Rush Mode takes point to lead us on a mission through the seminal survival horror franchise known as Resident Evil! Though some may be more familiar with the film series, we point our flashlights into the dark, squirming corners of Capcom's original video game series. The originals, the remakes and even a spin-off or two!

In other words... zombies and lickers and tyrants, oh my!

A bit later on, for this week's "Octoponder THIS", we ask for your favorite horror themed video game. And to close things out, 8-Bit Alchemy spotlights another talented video game composer for a segment he likes to call, "Compose Yo' Self"!

Retro Ridoctopus
• Boss Rush Mode (watch)
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile.
Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

S1E20 - Ep 020: Kinder Terror / Childhood Frights

Face it. Your parents let you see some scary movies they probably shouldn't have.

To usher in the spooky season, host 8-Bit Alchemy is hell bent on dredging up our worst childhood frights! We've all experienced it. Sometimes a single scene from a TV show or a movie was all it took to leave lasting scars, but other times, the really scary stuff happens IRL. Stuff that even today, we can't explain.

A bit later on, we ask you to summon up your scariest childhood nightmare for this week's "Octoponder THIS". And to close out the episode, Boss Rush Mode shares some rage about restaurants, blizzards and even staples in another edition of PETTING THOSE PEEVES!

Retro Ridoctopus
• Boss Rush Mode (watch)
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile.
Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

S1E19 - Ep 019: Contra / Record of Alien Wars

The Contra series started the run and gun video game genre and hey, we are big fans!

This week, host Nintenjoe is locked, loaded and ready to talk about one of his favorite classic video game series, Contra! We set our sights on the 8-bit and 16 bit entries as well as the original arcade and beyond! So, input that Konami code and strap in for an alien busting episode of the Retro Ridoctopus cephalopodcast!

When the dust settles, we'll ask your favorite Contra inspired game for this week's "Octoponder THIS". And to close out the episode, Parasite Steve presents the indie gem, Blazing Chrome for another RETRO NOUVEAU.

Retro Ridoctopus
• Boss Rush Mode (watch)
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile.
Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

S1E18 - Ep 018: Tears in the Rain / A Tribute to Rutger Hauer

Our tribute to the late, great, Rutger Hauer and a healthy handful of his films.

On this episode of the Retro Ridoctopus Cephalopodcast, we pay tribute to the late, great Dutch thespian, Rutger Hauer. Parasite Steve leads the discussion and reminisces about a slew of his favorite Hauer films and why the actor is so important to him.

Later, we'll ask you to imagine a role where you would have most liked to have seen Rutger cast (he was almost Riggs in Lethal Weapon, don't ya know) for this week's "Octoponder THIS". And to close out the episode, Nintenjoe snags the mic to highlight another underrated metal band in a segment we call "Power To The Metal"!

Retro Ridoctopus
• Boss Rush Mode (watch)
• Parasite Steve (read)
��� 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile.
Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

The show that celebrates all the things that made growing up awesome is part of the Inebri-Art Podcast Network! For information on our sister shows, pleaseclick here!

S1E17 - Ep 017: Sporting Entertainment

A celebration of wrestling, roller derby and other forms of entertainment that could be considered sports adjecent!

This stuff may not be in the same league as hockey, football or baseball but don't you dare call it "FAKE"! Boss Rush Mode leads a ruckus discussion about Sports Entertainment in all its varied forms. We cover GLOW (The Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling), the WWF/WWE, Legends of the Hidden Temple, stuff on roller skates and more!

A bit later on, for this week's "Octoponder THIS", we ask your favorite sports entertainment personality. And to close things out, 8-Bit Alchemy spotlights a classic Nintendo tournament with another edition of "8-Bit Minute"!

Retro Ridoctopus
• Boss Rush Mode (watch)
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile.
Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

S1E16 - Ep 016: TV Intros / Themes From A Memory

A musical episode wherein we play blocks of our favorite tv show intro songs!

In a format departure, Nintenjoe leads us in playing blocks of classic TV sitcom and cartoon show intros! It's our little homage to the humble beginnings of the podcast--back when we played blocks of video game music on the Boss Rush Mode channel (click here if you want to check that out)

A bit later on, we ask for your favorite TV theme that was attached to a "Top Tier Trash" show for this week's "Octoponder THIS"! And to close out the episode, Boss Rush Mode sets his teeth in a clench to rip apart "traffic", in another edition of Petting Those Peeves!

Retro Ridoctopus
• Boss Rush Mode (watch)
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile.
Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

S1E15 - Ep 015: Cartoon Comeback

A discussion of cartoons that ended too soon and we think deserve a proper comeback (akin to Netflix's incredible Voltron revival)!

On this episode of the Retro Ridoctopus Cephalopodcast, 8-Bit Alchemy spotlights some beloved cartoons he would love to see come BACK FROM THE DEAD! And, just to be cool guys, each of the other 3 Octo-Hosts chime in with some of our childhood favorites that we think could are deserving of a proper comeback!

A bit later... we'll ask you to name one existing remake that you really enjoyed in this week's "Octoponder THIS". And to close out the episode, Parasite Steve drops RETRO NOUVEAU to spotlight another new but retro-styled indie video game!

#Shubibin! #WackyDraws

Retro Ridoctopus
• Boss Rush Mode (watch)
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile.
Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

The show that celebrates all the things that made growing up awesome is part of the Inebri-Art Podcast Network! For information on our sister shows, pleaseclick here!

℗ & © 2024 Retro Ridoctopus