Retro Ridoctopus

S1E20 - Ep 020: Kinder Terror / Childhood Frights

Face it. Your parents let you see some scary movies they probably shouldn't have.

5 years ago

To usher in the spooky season, host 8-Bit Alchemy is hell bent on dredging up our worst childhood frights! We've all experienced it. Sometimes a single scene from a TV show or a movie was all it took to leave lasting scars, but other times, the really scary stuff happens IRL. Stuff that even today, we can't explain.

A bit later on, we ask you to summon up your scariest childhood nightmare for this week's "Octoponder THIS". And to close out the episode, Boss Rush Mode shares some rage about restaurants, blizzards and even staples in another edition of PETTING THOSE PEEVES!

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