The Brig: Foreheads Are Better Than None (with actor Andrew Parks)
Best known for the hilarious "Trail of the Screaming Forehead" & "The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra", Andrew Parks has been in the movie business for over 60 years & has the stories to prove it!
We've been huge fans of Andrew Parks, ever since seeing his unforgettable turn as the alien Kro-Bar in Larry Blamire's THE LOST SKELETON OF CADAVRA (2001). It was an incredible privilege to be able to hang out and chat about his extensive career in movies and television!
You'll hear stories about Jimmy Stewart, Angela Landsbury, Jim Beaver and frequent collaborator (not to mention two time BRIG inhabitant), Larry Blamire! We also talk extensively about such irreverent Blamire classics as DARK AND STORMY NIGHT (2009) and of course, TRAIL OF THE SCREAMING FOREHEAD (2007)!
Retro Ridoctopus is:
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile
Retro Ridoctopus is part of the Dorkening Podcast Network, the Inebri-Art Podcast Network and is brought to you by Deadly Grounds Coffee!