Retro Ridoctopus

The Brig: The Wildlife of Star Wars (with concept artist Terryl Whitlatch)

Industry leading conceptual artist Terryl Whitlatch has created creatures for Star Wars, Men in Black, Jumanji & more but for the next 2 hours, she'll be locked in THE BRIG!!

4 years ago

On this very special episode THE BRIG, we interview legendary conceptual artist Terryl Whitlatch!

The talented lady responsible for some of the most science forward creature design in the film industry! Terryl discusses her early career, her books, working on films like #StarWars:The Phantom Menace, Brother Bear & #Jumanji, what it was like reporting to #GeorgeLucas every Friday and even what she thinks about creature-rich properties she didn't work on like #Avatar and #MonsterHunter!

Oh and, Retroids... if you asked Terryl a question, you are absolutely going to wanna stick around to the end!

Snag your copy of Terryl's newly re-released illustrated epic "The Katurran Odyssey" and browse her catalog for more creatures (both real and imagined).

And don't miss Terryl Whitlatch on Artstation!

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