Retro Ridoctopus

S2E16 - Ep 41: R Rated to Our Childhood

The bizarre phenomenon of kids cartoons that were based on R rated movies. WHAT where they thinking?!

4 years ago

This week, Boss Rush Mode shines the spotlight on a bizarre phenomenon--cartoons that were made for kids, but based on mature and R rated movies that they probably weren't allowed to see in the first place! We'll discuss the 80s and 90s toon versions of Rambo, Robocop, Conan the Barbarian and much, much more! Most of these shows we saw for the first time as research for this episode, so you'll get our reactions untainted by the lens of nostalgia.

And later on, we'll tackle a listener suggested Octoponder This, and 8Bit Alchemy will bring back THE 8-BIT MINUTE to discuss how he created a Konami-styled theme song for the EPIC TALES FROM THE SEWER podcast!
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