S2E17 - Ep 42: Be Excellent To Each Other
A triumphant, most totally non-bogus celebration of the Bill & Ted movies!

In honor of Bill & Ted: Face The Music, we look back on two films which feature the most non-heinous exploits of Bill S. Preston Esq. and Ted "Theodore" Logan! Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure and their subsequent Bogus Journey are two silly, good times type films with a very positive message. Sure they have more plot holes than all six seasons of LOST combined, but they also remind us to BE EXCELLENT TO EACH OTHER! \,,/
After the main discussion, we'll ask you to name a historical person, place or moment that you'd use the time booth to witness! And finally, Nintenjoe parties on with both B&T soundtracks for a most triumphant edition of POWER TO THE METAL!
Retro Ridoctopus is:
• Boss Rush Mode (watch)
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile.
Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!
Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/retro-ridoctopus/5a232924-8aee-48c9-ac57-24c7bbc8130c