Retro Ridoctopus

S1E17 - Ep 017: Sporting Entertainment

A celebration of wrestling, roller derby and other forms of entertainment that could be considered sports adjecent!

5 years ago

This stuff may not be in the same league as hockey, football or baseball but don't you dare call it "FAKE"! Boss Rush Mode leads a ruckus discussion about Sports Entertainment in all its varied forms. We cover GLOW (The Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling), the WWF/WWE, Legends of the Hidden Temple, stuff on roller skates and more!

A bit later on, for this week's "Octoponder THIS", we ask your favorite sports entertainment personality. And to close things out, 8-Bit Alchemy spotlights a classic Nintendo tournament with another edition of "8-Bit Minute"!

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• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
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