S5E4 - Ep 095: NERF War Stories
NERF made our childhood awesome with spongey footballs and an arsenal of plastic guns that fired soft darts, arrows and other non-lethals!
I think we can all agree that biodegradable recreational foam has never been more fun than when its being fired at your best pal's face! That's why that in this episode of the Retro Ridoctopus cephalopodcast, we aim to lay down NERF history and pull the trigger on some cherished childhood memories all revolving around this classic toy line!
After that, we'll switch to round table mode and present 6 of our favorite NERF guns. Tack on an Octoponder and another edition of Power To The Metal and you've got yourself a good time!
Retro Ridoctopus is:
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile
Retro Ridoctopus is part of the Dorkening Podcast Network, the Inebri-Art Podcast Network and is brought to you by Deadly Grounds Coffee!