The Brig: The Mads Are Back & They Brought Snacks (with producer Chris Gersbeck)
Wrangling two movie-riffing mad scientists isn't easy, but producer Chris Gersbeck is up to the challenge!
Comedian, producer Chris Gersbeck joins us for a hilarious interview about his show THE MADS ARE BACK. Starring Mystery Science Theater 3,000 legends, Trace Beaulieu & Frank Conniff, the show celebrates the duo's MST3K roots by live riffing a different terrible movie each month!
Since launching The Mads Are Back as a ticketed livestream in July 2020, The Mads have released over twenty livestreams including six shorts compilations, and have welcomed guests such as Mike Nelson, Mary Jo Pehl, Kevin Murphy, Bill Corbett, Jonah Ray, and many other cast members and writers from Mystery Science Theater 3000.
Chris talks to Parasite Steve and 8-bit Alchemy about the genesis of how the show came about, as well as the process of what goes into each episode of THE MADS ARE BACK and all the great shows on!
Combine that with the scoop on their latest mega event Darkstar: Terror at the Edge of Time, and you've got yourself one heck of a BRIG!
What can we say, it's a DUMB time to be alive!