Ep 149: The Really Extreme Ghostbusters + MIB & Godzilla (Part 2 of 2)
These 90's cartoons expanded their worlds far beyond the blockbuster movies they were based on!

Building on our Real Ghostbusters episode, we decided to not only focus on the sequel to that legendary cartoon, but spotlight three major animated series the helped shaped the 90s!
Drew Mollo (from Splash Pages) is back for the second week in a row, as we tackle The Extreme Ghostbusters, Men In Black The Series and Godzilla The Series! Aside from all being continuations of popular sci-fi/action movies, these fantastic shows were all produced by Richard Raynis and Jeff Kline and shared a unique visual design.
8-Bit Alchemy hosts and weighs in as the other three hosts each take one of the shows to present, along with one episode they loved most. Later, everyone will answer last week's Octo-Ponder This question, before Coopster Gold proves, once again, that HE'S GOT ISSUES!
ghostbusters #extremeghostbusters #slimer #whoyougonnacall #godzilla #godzillatheseries #mib #meninblack #meninblacktheseries
Retro Ridoctopus is:
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Coopster Gold (join)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile