S2E24 - Ep 49: Handheld Games of Yesteryear
We get the LED out, as well as the LCD, VFD and more, spotlighting some killer handheld games and toys!

It's time to break out the double A's because this week, we are powering up some classic handheld video games and toys. They may not be sophisticated, but you could pick most up for short dough back in the day and all were 100% guaranteed to improve long car rides.
At least that was the theory.
We cover the Merlin by Parker Brothers, some table top arcade action by Coleco and who didn't own a few of those Tiger LCD games?? The episode even veers into toy territory with the legendary Speak and Spell and the not so legendary Etch-A-Sketch Animator 2000!!
Retro Ridoctopus is:
• Boss Rush Mode (watch)
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile.
Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!