Retro Ridoctopus

S4E14 - Ep 081: Predator and Prey / No Time To Bleed

A deep dive into the films and video games featuring those invisible xeno-hunting badasses, the Predators!

1 year ago

There's something out there waiting for us, and it ain't no man...

In honor of the new period Comanche vs Predator show "PREY", we power up our plasma cannons and set our triangular sites on the every movie and darn nearly every video game to feature a member of the Yautja race!

All that plus we'll read the answers to this week's Octoponder This question before Nintenjoe gets us to the CHOPPA with his first edition of Retro Nouveau!!

Retro Ridoctopus
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile

Retro Ridoctopus is part of the Dorkening Podcast Network, the Inebri-Art Podcast Network and is brought to you by Deadly Grounds Coffee!

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