Retro Ridoctopus

Ep 148: The Extremely Real Ghostbusters (Part 1 of 2)

With the help of Ghostbusters super fan Drew Mollo, we power up our proton packs and take aim at The Real Ghostbusters cartoon!

Who you gonna call? Why, Drew Mollo (from the Splash Pages podcast) that's who!

As a lifelong Ghostbusters super-fan, Drew has spent years memorizing Tobin's Spirit Guide and definitely knows how to read a P.K.E. Meter. A good thing too, because for this episode, we're be spotlighting 8 episodes from this seminal animated series! Expect plenty of Peter, Ray, Egon, Winston as well as a few buckets of slime as we stock up on Ecto-Cooler and get to work.

Later on, we'll read your Retroid answers to this week's Octoponder This question, before Parasite Steve pumps the breaks on the Ecto-1 in front of a class seven DIE MONSTER!

ghostbusters #therealghostbusters #slimer #whoyougonnacall

Retro Ridoctopus
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Coopster Gold (join)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile

Ep 147: Wild Wild Westerns (Part 2 of 2)

The sunset is coming fast as we finish our ride into a time of tin stars and tumbleweed as we jaw on about our favorite western video games, books and more!

Our Wild Wild Westerns theme continues! But before we ride off into the sunset, there's still some rip-roaring fun to be had!

Join your saddle-sore hosts Rattlesnake Steve, Doc Cooperday and The 8-Bit Kid as they rustle up some westerns in basically every media besides movies! We've got a wagon full of cartoons, video games, a short story collection and even (what some might call) a Power To The Metal in disguise. And after that, we'll answer the Octoponder This question from two weeks back ourselves, before we prove that Doc Cooperday has some serious issues!

And if you're looking to snag a copy of the book Steve mentioned, it's Tales of the Callamo Mountains by Larry Blamire!

#reddeadredemption2 #sunsetriders #wildarms #CowboysOfMoomesa

Retro Ridoctopus
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Coopster Gold (join)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile

The Brig: The Sinister Ascension of THEM! (with author Marc L. Abbott)

Marc chats about his new novel, that time Hell came to Brooklyn (TWICE) and his favorite giant monsters!

On another episode of the BRIG… we’ve got a talented Brooklyn based filmmaker, actor, podcaster and award winning author. Marc Abbott!

Marc's short stories have been featured in numerous anthologies including the Bram Stoker Nominated horror anthologies New York State of Fright & Under Twin Suns, not to mention the two-time African American Literary Award-winning horror anthology, Hell at the Way Station. And if that wasn’t enough, he’s also the co-host of (one of my favorite shows) the BEEF WINE AND SHENANIGANS podcast and is here tonight to chat all about his new horror novel SINISTER ASCENSION!

And after treating us to a reading of Sinister Ascension's first explosive chapter, Marc sticks around to talk about his favorite 50s monster movies!

Order your copy of SINISTER ASCENSION from the Mocha Memoirs online shop!

Still wondering WHO IS MARC L. ABBOTT? Check out his official website!

Retro Ridoctopus
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Coopster Gold (join)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile

Ep 146: Wild Wild Westerns (Part 1 of 2)

Saddle up and ride back into a time of snake oil and sarsparilla as we jaw on about our favorite western movies!

Hope you've packed plenty beans, bacon, whiskey and lard because we are headed WEST!

Hitch your wagon train to three nefarious-looking desperadoes by the names of Rattlesnake Steve, Doc Cooperday and The 8-Bit Kid because for this first episode of our Wild Wild Westerns theme, we cover some of our favorite Western MOVIES! From Wayne to Eastwood, Russell & Kilmer to...SCOTT GLENN?? We cover a wide breadth of this expansive genre that once ruled the silver screen!

Stick around to hear your answers for this week's Octoponder This and an rip roarin' edition of Compose Yo-self by our not so little buddy, the 8-bit Kid! And tune in in two weeks as we continue the fun, talking all about westerns in other media!


Retro Ridoctopus
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Coopster Gold (join)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile

#tombstone #silverado #shanghainoon #RioBravo #outlawjoseywales #cityslickers #redsun #palerider #whitebuffalo #westernmovies #westerns

Crow's Nest: What Lies Beyond Shadowgate?

Beyond Shadowgate is an incredible sequel to one of our all time favorite classic games!

This Crow's Nest shines the torchlight on a sequel that was 35 years in the making!

At Retro Ridoctopus, we love point and click adventure games and for Parasite Steve and 8-Bit Alchemy, that journey started with a game called Shadowgate on the NES. Fast forward to 2024, whena small indie game developer, (started by the the original creators of the Macventure Series which included not only Shadowgate but also Déjà Vu and The Uninvited) have crafted a love letter to those beloved games in the form of BEYOND SHADOWGATE!

In this episode, we chat about our recent playthrough of the game and pretty much just gush for an entire hour because this game was everything we could have ever wanted...AND BEYOND.

Learn more about BEYOND SHADOWGATE on the ZOJOI website!

Retro Ridoctopus
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Coopster Gold (join)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile

shadowgate #theuninvited #dejavu #nes #nintendo #macventure #pointandclickgames

The Brig: Vampirella and The Herculoids / The Ultimate Team-Up (with Jeannine Acheson & Tom Sniegoski)

The explosive comic book writing team of Sniegoski and Acheson are putting out some of the most exciting dark fantasy comics on the market!

For the season 7 premiere of THE BRIG… Retro Ridoctopus is proud and honored to present two incredible guests who are absolutely tearing up the indie comics scene!

First, we have a thirty five plus year veteran of the comics industry, and frequent collaborator of Christopher Golden, Mike Mignola and other total industry legends...New York Times Best Selling Author, Tom Sniegoski! With him is Tom's writing partner, Jeannine Acheson, whose work appears in books like The Vampiverse, Soul Taker, Pantha The Blessed and the Accursed & Vampirella Dark Reflections!

We'll get the hear them talk about their lifelong friendship and how they ended up working on some of the coolest horror and dark fantasy comics today!

Pre-Order the pair's brand new illustrated novella NIRA from Bad Hand Books!

Retro Ridoctopus
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Coopster Gold (join)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile

vampirella #theherculoids #herculoids #pantha #tomsniegoski #jeannineacheson

Ep 145: Not Enough Screen Time (Part 2 of 2)

For this second episode of two, you'll get a list of Video Game characters we wish had more time to shine!

Sometimes supporting and background characters shine brighter than the heroes do!

Continuing our new Season 7 format, we are splitting this theme into two episodes. Part 2 concentrates on memorable background characters from Video Games. And later, 8-Bit Alchemy will drop the first B-Segment of the season in the form of a DIE MONSTER!

If you missed it, check out Not Enough Screen Time Part 1 which covered our favorite supporting characters from TV shows and cartoons!

Retro Ridoctopus
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Coopster Gold (join)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile

Crow's Nest: Is this a Nosferatu or a Yesferatu? (with Jeff Carroll)

A friendly point, counterpoint discussion on the 2024 Robert Eggers remake of Nosferatu with author & film maker Jeff Carroll!

Our first bonus episode of season 7 is a spirited but level-headed discussion about NOSFERATU (2024) with author & film maker, Jeff Caroll. Both Jeff and Parasite Steve feel strongly about the film, but one liked it and the other? Well, not so much.

This is a new type of episode for Retro Ridoctopus, but s always, we keep things friendly and respectful. No matter which side of the Nosferatu fence you fell on, you may end up learning a thing or two!

Watch THE BLACK NUN (2021) on Tubi, written and directed by Jeff Carroll...and check out all his killer books on Amazon!

Retro Ridoctopus
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Coopster Gold (join)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile


Ep 144: Not Enough Screen Time (Part 1 of 2)

For this first episode of two, we run down a list of TV and cartoon characters we think deserved more screen time!

Sometimes supporting and background characters shine brighter than the heroes do!

For our new Season 7 format, we are splitting this theme into two episodes. Part 1 concentrates on memorable background characters from TV shows and cartoons. And later, we'll ask you to OCTOPONDER what your favorite TV spin-off is!

In two weeks, look out for Not Enough Screen Time Part 2 which will cover our favorite supporting characters in Video Games!

Retro Ridoctopus
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Coopster Gold (join)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile

Ep 143: Season 6 Finale / First Time Viewing of Classic Films

This epic episode is packed with our favorite memories of season 6 and a 40 minute MEGA BLOCK of Retroid voicemails!

Another insane season of Retro Ridoctopus comes to a close. We had a new co-host, more interviews than ever and a triceratops-sized barrel of nostalgic fun!

After copious amounts of reminiscing over another amazing year, we dive into our annual final topic. Like every year, we asked you for voice mails, giving your quick reviews of a classic movie you watched for the first time this year. Every single year, this block gets longer and longer and season 6 was no exception. Thank you for coming out in droves to be a part of the show and for helping to make Retro Ridoctopus what it is.

You, Retroids... deserve all the SHUBIBINS!!!

Retro Ridoctopus
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Coopster Gold (join)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile

℗ & © 2024 Retro Ridoctopus