Retro Ridoctopus

S2E16 - Ep 41: R Rated to Our Childhood

The bizarre phenomenon of kids cartoons that were based on R rated movies. WHAT where they thinking?!

This week, Boss Rush Mode shines the spotlight on a bizarre phenomenon--cartoons that were made for kids, but based on mature and R rated movies that they probably weren't allowed to see in the first place! We'll discuss the 80s and 90s toon versions of Rambo, Robocop, Conan the Barbarian and much, much more! Most of these shows we saw for the first time as research for this episode, so you'll get our reactions untainted by the lens of nostalgia.

And later on, we'll tackle a listener suggested Octoponder This, and 8Bit Alchemy will bring back THE 8-BIT MINUTE to discuss how he created a Konami-styled theme song for the EPIC TALES FROM THE SEWER podcast!
Retro Ridoctopus
• Boss Rush Mode (watch)
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile.
Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

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The Brig: Encounters With Dorkness (with Ashley & Melissa)

The ladies from the Encounters With Darkness Podcast spill some dirt on ghost hunting and their favorite horror movies!

Be sure to subscribe and follow the adventures of ENCOUNTERS WITH DARKNESS on Youtube and wherever you listen to podcasts!

All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile. Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

The show that celebrates all the things that made growing up awesome is part of the Inebri-Art and The Dorkening Podcast Networks!

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S2E15 - Ep 40: Themes From A Memory 2

In our first sequel episode, we play blocks of classic TV theme songs from the 70s, 80s & 90s!

In a full blown sequel to episode #16, Nintenjoe leads us in playing blocks of classic TV sitcom and cartoon show intros! It's our little homage to the humble beginnings of the podcast--back when we played blocks of video game music on the Boss Rush Mode channel (click here if you want to check that out)

A bit later on, we ask for your favorite TV theme that was attached to a "Top Tier Trash" show for this week's "Octoponder THIS"! And to close out the episode, Boss Rush Mode delivers another GROSS PHUCK FOOD HACK!

Retro Ridoctopus
• Boss Rush Mode (watch)
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile.
Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

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The Brig: When Metal Was Hairy (with Adam Letourneau)

We get glammed up to talk hair metal with the drummer of award winning local band He Said She Said

Check out the official website of Adam's awesome band HE SAID SHE SAID: for videos, info and a list of upcoming shows!

And be sure to follow the band on Facebook and Instagram!

All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile. Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

The show that celebrates all the things that made growing up awesome is part of the Inebri-Art and The Dorkening Podcast Networks!

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The Crow's Nest: Faxanadu's & Faxanadont's

Don't have negative thoughts, just listen as we vent about our failure to conquer the NES game Faxanadu!

By all means, consider this a sequel to our first Crow's Nest "A Losing Battle Of Olympus"!

8-Bit Alchemy and Parasite Steve discuss their feelings about the (not so classic) NES game, Faxanadu. If you like single use keys, doors that re-lock, and having to slog your way back to the store to buy more keys then this might just be the game for you. Don't have negative thoughts. Remember your mantra.

Retro Ridoctopus is:

All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile. Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

The show that celebrates all the things that made growing up awesome is part of the Inebri-Art and The Dorkening Podcast Networks!

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S2E14 - Ep 39: The Wayback Snack Attack

We chat about snacks and junk food favorites from our childhood that can, sadly, no longer be purchased.

Even the best stuff doesn't necessarily stick around forever. This week, we remember a bunch of junk foods that, sadly, are no longer sold in stores. :( Delicious and gone but not forgotten... how much of this crap did you used to cram in your beaks?

Later on, we ask you to Octoponder a childhood snack that you tried but always hated. And finally, Parasite Steve will shine the spotlight on Blaster Master Zero for another edition of Retro Nouveau!

All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile. Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

The show that celebrates all the things that made growing up awesome is part of the Inebri-Art and The Dorkening Podcast Networks!

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The Brig: Passing Strange (with Cat Scully)

Artist, author, MAP-scallion, Cat Scully chats about her debut novel Jennifer Strange and why she so loves the Evil Dead!

We chat with artist, author, MAP-scallion, Cat Scully about her debut novel Jennifer Strange and how the Evil Dead films inspired her! This is another long interview because we are apparently just incredibly fun to talk to!

Preorder your copy of Jennifer Strange on IndieBound!

Check out this great interview for a Huge Give Away!

Browse all the awesomenes on Cat Scully's website!

Follow Cat Scull on Instagram

And check out her shop of fine wearables on Etsy!

All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile. Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

The show that celebrates all the things that made growing up awesome is part of the Inebri-Art and The Dorkening Podcast Networks!

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S2E13 - Ep 38: Golden Age of Japanimation

Anime is as popular today as it's ever been, but for many of us the genre's heyday firmly resides in the 80s and 90s.

A discussion on Japanese Animation. We chat about our first experiences with the genre and spotlight some of our favorite lesser known films (also called OVAs, or Original Video Animation) from the 1980s and 1990s! How many of these underappreciated classics have YOU seen?

After the main discussion, we'll ask you to name an anime film that you either saw or wish you had been able to see on the BIG SCREEN! And finally, Nintenjoe spotlights another awesome metal band with another POWER TO THE METAL!

All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile. Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

The show that celebrates all the things that made growing up awesome is part of the Inebri-Art and The Dorkening Podcast Networks!

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The Crow's Nest: The TRUE Story of Murray (Dio's Devilish Pal)

He graced the cover of 3 classic Ronnie James Dio albums, now hear the thrilling tale of that gigantic ebon-skinned devil, Murray!

Come for the info on concerts and stage antics from Dio's heyday, but STAY for the thrilling "true" story of his iconic mascot, Murray! Lifted from the actual 1987 Dream Evil tour program and dramatically recounted by Boss Rush Mode, this one is not something you'll want to miss!

Game music borrowed from "Chakan: The Forever Man" for the SEGA Genesis and "Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage" for the Super Nintendo.

Retro Ridoctopus is:

All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile. Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

The show that celebrates all the things that made growing up awesome is part of the Inebri-Art and The Dorkening Podcast Networks!

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The Brig: All My Friends Are Mutants (with Jeremy Flagg)

Meet the father of the children of Nostradamus, author Jeremy Flagg!

Jeremy Flagg is the creator of the dystopian superhero universe, CHILDREN OF NOSTRADAMUS. Taking his love of pop culture and comic books, he focuses on fast paced, action packed novels with complex characters and contemporary themes. He continues developing the universe with the Journal of Madison Walker, an ongoing serial set two hundred years in the future.

Check out all the post apocalyptic goodness on Jeremy's website!

And snag any or all of his amazing books on Amazon!

All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile. Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

The show that celebrates all the things that made growing up awesome is part of the Inebri-Art and The Dorkening Podcast Networks!

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℗ & © 2024 Retro Ridoctopus