Retro Ridoctopus

S1E4 - Ep 004: Transformers / More Than Meets These Guys

These robots may be in disguise, be there's no hiding our love for all things Transformers!

The show that celebrates all the things that made growing up awesome!

On this episode of the Retro Ridoctopus Cephalopodcast, host, Nintenjoe leads us from the war-torn streets of Cybertron to the neon wastes of the 1980s as we celebrate our love for all things Transformers!

And later on, we your all time favorite Transformer character on this week's "Octoponder THIS". Finally, to close out the episode, Boss Rush Mode gets a chance to do the vent cathartic in a segment we have dubbed "Petting Those Peeves".

Retro Ridoctopus
• Boss Rush Mode (watch)
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile.
Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

S1E3 - Ep 003: Party of One / Awesome Movies That Get No Love

Have you ever felt like you were the only one in the whole world who loved a certain movie?

The show that celebrates all the things that made growing up awesome!

On this episode of the Retro Ridoctopus Cephalopodcast, host, 8-Bit Alchemy leads us in a discussion of some seriously obscure movies! Each host presents a specific flick that we think more people should know about... or possibly stab a thousand times in the face with a flaming sword.

Later on, we'll ask you to dredge up your first theater memory for this week's "Octoponder THIS". And to close out the episode, Parasite Steve spotlights and flushes out the history of a classic video game enemy, for a segment we like to call, DIE MONSTER!!

Retro Ridoctopus
• Boss Rush Mode (watch)
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile.
Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

S1E2 - Ep 002: Castlevania / Bloody Tears for Years

Sink your teeth into a sprawling discussion of vampires, Medusa heads and all things Castlevania!

The show that celebrates all the things that made growing up awesome!

On this episode of the Retro Ridoctopus Cephalopodcast, host (of the moment), Parasite Steve leads us past moonlit graves, up the stairs of a treacherous clock tower and into Castle Dracula, for a discussion about one of our favorite gaming properties, Castlevania! We'll talk about our individual first experiences with the series, ending up at the fantastic anime series, now in its second season on Netflix.

And later on, we'll list off some elements we found were missing from that anime series, for this week's "Octoponder THIS". Then, to close out the episode, Nintenjoe snags the mic to highlight another underrated metal band in a segment we call "Power To The Metal"!

Retro Ridoctopus
• Boss Rush Mode (watch)
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile.
Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

S1E1 - Ep 001: Maiden Voyage / Childhood's End(urance)

Retro Ridoctopus welcomes you to the show that celebrates all the things that made growing up awesome!

The show that celebrates all the things that made growing up awesome!

On this, the maiden voyage of the Retro Ridoctopus Cephalopodcast, host (at the post), Boss Rush Mode leads a discussion on the various things we dug way back in our childhoods and have somehow endured into our adult lives. Topics range from classic gaming, heavy metal, adventures with hummingbird moths and beyond!

Later, we flip the topic of the week on its head for this week's installment "Octoponder THIS". And to close out the episode, 8-Bit Alchemy snags the mic for a segment we like to call "The 8-Bit Minute"!

Retro Ridoctopus
• Boss Rush Mode (watch)
• Parasite Steve (read)
• 8-Bit Alchemy (listen)
• Nintenjoe (subscribe)
All original heavy metal music by Enchanted Exile.
Listen to their sophomore album "Bloodwork Scriptorium" right now!

℗ & © 2024 Retro Ridoctopus